Jinan Yimeiduo Trading Commerce and Trade Limited Company


Recycled Plastics&Environmental Protection Issues
Release time: 2023-03-25 09:53:39  Hits: 60


微信图片_202303250944203.jpgInternational design studio Hassell and creative space platform to.org recently announced a new project that will use recycled plastic with forward-thinking design.

officially announced a new project that will use recycled plastic with forward-thinking design

industry-leading 3D printing technology from Nagami to create a contoured, avant-garde public pavilion.

The project will use recycled plastic and industry-leading 3D printing technology from Nagami to create an avant-garde public pavilion. 


As global warming increases and the environment faces enormous.The project began when Hassell design director Xavier De Kestelie

The project began with a meeting between Hassell design director Xavier De Kestelie r and Nagami founder Manuel Jimenez Garcia.

The project aims to set a precedent for the creation of a space that can adapt to all climate extremes and promote dialogue on issues such as resource waste and sustainable conservation, and to achieve.The meeting was designed to create a precedent for creating a space that can accommodate extreme climates, promote dialogue on issues such as resource waste and sustainable conservation, and achieve a reflective and educational effect.

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